
Hide Widget Titles when you need to

There are times when you need to hide a widget title from the front of your site while keeping it visible in the Admin area. A good example is when you have a slider or image banner you want to display.

WordPress does not have the ability to disable your widget title, so people are left with only a few options:

  • Don’t add a title to the widget – Makes it difficult to know what a widget is when closed.
  • Create custom CSS to hide the widget title – Required you to use HTML code.
  • Use a plugin that hides your title for you – The best solution

One plugin that we recommend is called “Remove Widget Titlesby Stephen Cronin. A quality plugin and very easy to use because all you have to do is add an ! exclamation mark right before your title.

Get the Plugin

  1. Go to Plugins >> Add New
  2. In the search field, type in Remove Widget Titles
    Remove Widget Titles plugin
  3. Click Install and then Activate it

To hide the widget title, just add an exclamation mark in front of your widget title.

Remove Widget Title

This will show the title in the Admin area but not on the front of your website.

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